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A hybrid grid based algebraic volume of fluid method for interfacial flows
J. Manik, A. Dalal,
Published in Springer Heidelberg
Pages: 1111 - 1119
In the present work for numerically investigating the interfacial flows, an algebraic Volume of Fluid technique has been implemented over hybrid unstructured meshes. Following the work of Dalal et al. (Numer Heat Transf Part B 54 (2):238–259, 2008 [2]), the governing equations are discretised by cell centered finite volume method wherein pressure-velocity coupling has been achieved by momentum interpolation due to Rhie and Chow (AIAA J 21:1525–1532, 1983 [12]). The binary fluid problem is represented by a single fluid formulation with a fluid property jump at the interface. Two schemes namely NVD based GAMMA scheme (Jasak, Int J Numer Meth Fluids 31:431–449, 1999 [7]) and Convergent and Universally Bounded Interpolation Scheme for the Treatment of Advection (CUBISTA) (Alves et al., Numer Heat Transf 49:19–42, 2006 [1]) has been incorporated into an in-house fully coupled Navier-Stokes solver. These schemes are validated with the published results of collapse of water column also known as dam break problem by Martin and Moyce (Math Phys Sci 244:312–324, 1952 [9]) and Rayleigh-Taylor instability (Tryggvason, J Comput Phys 75:253–282, 1988 [13]). The results are found to be in good agreement. © Springer India 2017.
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