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A novel design toolkit to assess asphalt-rubber gap-graded mixture performance: Target properties and parametric relationships
, K.P. Biligiri
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 219
Pages: 69 - 80
This study evaluated the performance of asphalt-rubber gap-graded (AR-Gap) mixtures under various test conditions and established a novel design toolkit that was proficient to rank the mixtures, which helped recommend the best performing material. A total of 28 asphalt mixtures, including, one dense-graded and 27 AR-Gap mixtures were considered. Euclidean distance approach was utilized to determine the best AR-Gap mixture based on ten pavement material design parameters. It is envisaged that this toolkit will help researchers and practitioners to prioritize the desired combinations of asphalt mixture materials properties, thereby assisting in selection of best performing pavement system for field implementation. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
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