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An Analytical Method for Prediction of Material Deformation Behavior in Grinding Using Single Grit Analogy
, B. Kirsch, J.C. Aurich
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 58
Pages: 263 - 268
FEM simulation and single grit experimental techniques are available to get an insight into the chip formation mechanism in grinding operations. However, those are case specific. In the present work, an analytical method has been developed by considering specific energy criteria and Johnson's indentation theory to predict the modes of chip formation. The force acting on an abrasive grit at every instance in a trajectory path has been calculated by considering grit size, wheel size, kinematic conditions and work material properties. Yield coefficient and non-dimensional strain at the grit-work interaction have been computed to identify mainly the ploughing to cutting transition phase. © 2017 The Authors.
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