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Band to band tunneling in heterojunctions: Semi-classical versus quantum computation
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Pages: 1 - 4
Band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) determines the on-current in tunnel FETs (TFETs). There is a need to review and recalibrate BTBT models used in TCAD tools, which were developed when BTBT was essentially a leakage phenomenon. Here, we consider the process of BTBT through staggered heterojunctions which find application in the design of TFETs having high on-currents. We use a simple 1-D system and compare the estimates of BTBT computed with a semi-classical WKB approach and that obtained from a solution of Schrödinger's equation by a wavefunction matching procedure. We show that the WKB method significantly overestimates the tunneling current through heterojunctions. © 2012 IEEE.
About the journal
Journal2012 15th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IWCE 2012
Open AccessNo