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Collisional flows of identical, smooth, nearly elastic spheres in a vertical chute
, J.T. Jenkins
Published in
Volume: 2
We consider steady, fully developed flows of inelastic grains driven by gravity between identical bumpy walls. Bumpy walls provide a mechanism for the production or dissipation of fluctuation energy that can maintain a steady, fully-developed flow. Using balance equations, constitutive relations and boundary conditions that result from kinetic theory, we calculate the fields of mean velocity, fluctuation velocity and concentration across the chute, for a variety of flow rates, particle parameters and chute width. We find two qualitatively different steady flow regimes. One is a dense flow regime with low mean velocity while the other is one with a dilute flow and higher mean velocity. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.
About the journal
JournalPowders and Grains 2005 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media