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Control system for a robotic system for rehabilitation of lower limbs with feedback on the patient’s effort

Larisa Rybak, Sergey Khalapyan, Gagik Rashoyan, , Anna Nozdracheva
Published in ACM Digital Library
Pages: 1 - 5

The paper presents structural diagrams of the control system of a robotic system with feedback on the patient’s effort and without it, illustrates the conditions for using each of them; a method is prepared to increase the reliability of data on the applied efforts, associated with the use of strain gauges in the absence of actions of the patient’s motor organs; an example of the patient’s motivation to perform ”correct” movements, ”helping” the mechanism, consisting in changing the speed of movement to form the patient’s feeling that the mechanism moves due to his efforts; a mathematical model of the robotic system was obtained, graphs were constructed demonstrating the accuracy of working out a given trajectory due to the anthropometric parameters of the patient.

About the journal
Journal2nd International Conference on Robotics and Control Engineering
PublisherACM Digital Library
Open AccessNo