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Corrigendum: Recyclable Ruthenium Catalyst for Distal meta -C−H Activation (Chemistry – A European Journal, (2020), 26, 66, (15290-15297), 10.1002/chem.202003622)
I. Choi, V. Müller, Y. Wang, K. Xue, , L.B. Andreas, V. Karius, J.G. Alauzun, L. Ackermann
Published in John Wiley and Sons Inc
PMID: 33797835
Volume: 27
Issue: 19
The authors would like to clarify that besides the para-functionalized product shown in Table S4 (page S8), they were able to detect a meta-functionalized minor byproduct, of which the data was omitted. While this finding does not show any visible inconsistency or conflict to the whole context of the manuscript, they have included these data in the Supporting Information. The original file has been replaced by an updated Supporting Information file. The authors apologize for the error and for any inconvenience caused. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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JournalData powered by TypesetChemistry - A European Journal
PublisherData powered by TypesetJohn Wiley and Sons Inc