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Delay Modelling for Single Cell IEEE 802.11 WLANs Using a Random Polling System
, J Kuri, S Aggarwal
Published in
Volume: cs.NI
In this paper, we consider the problem of modelling the average delay experienced by a packet in a single cell IEEE 802.11 DCF wireless local area network. The packet arrival process at each node i is assumed to be Poisson with rate parameter $\lambda$_i. Since the nodes are sharing a single channel, they have to contend with one another for a successful transmission. The mean delay for a packet has been approximated by modelling the system as a 1-limited Random Polling system with zero switchover time. We show that even for non-homogeneous packet arrival processes, the mean delay of packets across the queues are same and depends on the system utilization factor and the aggregate throughput of the MAC. Extensive simulations are conducted to verify the analytical results.
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JournalarXiv arXiv