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Effects of cracks on rotor system instability
, J. Kumar Dey
Published in Elsevier Science Ltd, Exeter
Volume: 35
Issue: 12
Pages: 1657 - 1674
The stability threshold of a rotor-bearing system having a transverse crack has been studied by using FEM and considering the various crack parameters and shaft internal damping (viscous and hysteretic damping) and geometric parameters. It has been observed that the instability speed has reduced considerably with increase in crack depth and influenced more with hysteretic damping compared to viscous damping. The stability of the rotor system including shaft with two open cracks has also been carried out and observed the influence of one crack over the other for threshold speed limits.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetMechanism and Machine Theory
PublisherData powered by TypesetElsevier Science Ltd, Exeter