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Energy efficient acceleration of floating point applications onto CGRA
, R. Prasad, K.J.M. Martin, P. Coussy
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Volume: 2020-May
Pages: 1563 - 1567
In this paper, we propose a novel CGRA architecture and associated compilation flow supporting both integer and floating-point computations for energy efficient acceleration of DSP applications. Experimental results show that the proposed accelerator achieves a maximum of 4.61× speedup compared to a DSP optimized, ultra low power RISC-V based CPU while executing seizure detection, a representative of wide range of EEG signal processing applications with an area overhead of 1.9 × The proposed CGRA achieves a maximum of 6.5× energy efficiency compared to the CPU. © 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. All rights reserved.