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Enhanced Visualization and Characterization of Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System

Arup Anshuman, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi,
Published in IEEE
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Pages: 828 – 839 - 839

Real-time monitoring of oscillation events provides enhanced wide-area situational awareness to the system operator. This article focuses on visualizing low frequency oscillatory modes, their detection, and classification following an event. The significant oscillatory modes present in the signal are extracted through a novel energy preserving, nonredundant “frequency partition based mode extraction (FPBME)” algorithm. These modes are analytically deduced and classified as governor mode, interarea mode, and local mode through a novel “energy based mode detection and classification (EBMDC)” algorithm. This article proposed method introduces the concept of “visualization” that is highly operator-friendly through the time domain plots of extracted modes.

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