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Erratum: Differential Effects of Viscum album Preparations on the Maturation and Activation of Human Dendritic Cells and CD4+ T Cell Responses (Molecules (2016) 21(912) DOI: 10.3390/molecules21070912)
C. Saha, M. Das, E. Stephen-Victor, A. Friboulet, , S.V. Kaveri
Published in MDPI AG
PMID: 31635421
Volume: 24
Issue: 20
The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [1]: Two dot-plots in the Panel E of Figure 1 (labeled under VAP and VAA) have been inadvertently duplicated during the final preparation of figures. We would like to change the Panel E of Figure 1 in paper [1] to the correct version. © 2019 by the authors.
About the journal
PublisherMDPI AG
Open AccessNo