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Estimation of Critical State Parameters from One-dimensional Consolidation and Triaxial Compression Tests
K.L. Dev, , R.G. Robinson
Published in Springer
Volume: 43
Issue: 3
Pages: 229 - 237
Determination of critical state parameters are essential, when critical state soil mechanics based soil models are used for the analysis. Isotropic consolidation test and triaxial tests with accurate measurements of volume change and pore pressure are essential for the direct measurement of critical state parameters. However, in the conventional geotechnical engineering practice, isotropic compression tests are usually not conducted but only one-dimensional consolidation test are performed. The usual parameters reported in most of the soil investigation reports are the shear strength parameters c′ and φ{symbol}′ and the consolidation parameters such as compression index (Cc) and the recompression index (Cr) apart from, the overburden pressure σ0′ and the corresponding void ratio e0. The critical state parameters are seldom reported in most of the soil investigation reports. This paper explains a procedure to estimate the critical state parameters, in the absence of isotropic compression test data, based on one-dimensional consolidation tests and triaxial compression tests, using the equations of Modified Cam clay state boundary surface. Comparison of the calculated values from the suggested method with the measured values, on three reconstituted soils and one undisturbed soil, lends support to the validity of the proposed procedure. © 2013 Indian Geotechnical Society.
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