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Estimation of phase angles of asphalt mixtures using resilient modulus test
, K.P. Biligiri
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 82
Pages: 274 - 286
Abstract The main objective of this study was to develop, derive, and estimate the phase angle (Pdbl) parameter from resilient modulus (Mr) test, designated PdblMr, at various temperatures and frequencies for eleven types of asphalt mixtures: two conventional dense-graded (DGAC), four polymer-modified gap-graded (P-Gap), four asphalt-rubber gap-graded (AR-Gap), and one asphalt-rubber open-graded (AR-Open) mix. PdblMr were estimated for the eleven mixes with three replicates per mix totalling 33 samples at 15, 25 and 35 C and at 0.5, 1, and 1.5 Hz. AR-Open mixes had the highest PdblMr followed by AR-Gap and P-Gap, and then followed by DGAC mixes. Principally, with an increase in the asphalt content from conventional to modified mixes, there was an increase in PdblMr, suggestive of the fact that the mixes that had higher asphalt contents have extra-viscous response or are highly viscoelastic. Furthermore, PdblMr predictive model was developed based on asphalt material properties totalling 99 data points provided by R2adj (adjusted coefficient of estimation) = 0.8390, and Se/Sy (ratio of standard error to standard deviation indicative of relative accuracy of the predictive model) = 0.3820; depicting very good correlation between the estimated and predicted ∅Mr, and with low bias and high precision. Additionally, PdblMr master curves were constructed for the mixes with 35 C as reference. Overall, it is envisioned that PdblMr parameter obtained in this study will be helpful to comprehensively understand the viscoelastic properties of different asphalt mixtures, and incorporate PdblMr as a viscoelastic characteristic assessor in futuristic flexible pavement designs. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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