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Evaporative self-assembly of the binary mixture of soft colloids
M. Jose, , M.G. Basavaraj, D.K. Satapathy
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry
PMID: 33876077
Volume: 23
Issue: 12
Pages: 7115 - 7124
We have reported experimental studies on the self-assembly and degree of ordering of a binary mixture of soft colloids in monolayer deposits obtained by controlled evaporation. A sessile drop containing soft colloids is evaporated on a solid surface to achieve a loosely-packed two-dimensional deposit with a hexagonal arrangement. The soft microgel particles possess a hard core with a compliant corona, which plays a crucial role in retaining the crystallinity of the binary particle monolayer. The ordered arrangement of the binary mixture is observed even when the bulk diameter of one type of particle is 25% higher than the other, irrespective of their mixing ratio (1 : 3, 1 : 1, and 3 : 1). The microgel particles of both sizes are found to be homogeneously distributed throughout the deposit, completely suppressing the size-dependent particle segregation. Furthermore, in contrast to the self-assembly of bidisperse hard colloids, wherein the lattice distorts to accommodate particles of disparate sizes, in soft colloids, the particles deform at the interface to preserve the crystalline lattice. Moreover, unlike the gradual order-to-disorder transition observed in the deposits consisting of monodisperse microgel particles, the deposits of a binary mixture of microgels exhibit no noticeable trend. The areal disorder parameter, pair correlation function and the shape factor which quantifies the local ordering of particles in the deposit indicate the absence of a distinct order-to-disorder transition for the binary mixtures. © the Owner Societies 2021.
About the journal
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
PublisherRoyal Society of Chemistry