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Fast integer multiplication using modular arithmetic
A. De, , C. Sana, R. Saptharishi
Published in Association for Computing Machinery
Pages: 499 - 505
We give an O(N · log N ̇ 2O (log* N )algorithm for multiplying two N-bit integers that improves the O(N · log N · log log N) algorithm by Schönhage-Strassen |10|. Both these algorithms use modular arithmetic. Recently, Fürer |2| gave an O(N · log N ̇ 2O (log* N ) algorithm which however uses arithmetic over complex numbers as opposed to modular arithmetic. In this paper, we use multivariate polynomial multiplication along with ideas fron Fürer's algorithm to achieve this improvement in the modular setting. Our algorithm can also be viewed as a p-adic version of Fürer's algorithm. Thus, we show that the two seemingly different approaches to integer multiplication, modular and complex arithmetic, are similar. Copyright 2008 ACM.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetProceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
PublisherData powered by TypesetAssociation for Computing Machinery