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Grinding and Recent Trends

Published in CRC Press

Grinding is one of the most widely used subtractive manufacturing processes, used mainly to machine high-strength materials with a high surface finish and close tolerances. This process has covered a unique journey starting from a finishing process to a bulk material removal process. The grinding process has evolved with the adoption of new concepts, technological advancements and market demands. For instance, stone and stone-bed-based grinding in homes has been replaced with compact grinding machines. Similarly, this is the case for industries where new grinding methods and integration with smart controllers are implemented for large production. The application of sustainable technologies, hybrid grinding, micro/nano-grinding, high-speed grinding, textured grinding wheels, 3D printed grinding wheels, the integration of artificial/intelligent systems and precision-shaped grain wheels are some of the key advancements in the grinding process. These recent advancements have entirely revamped the application domain of the grinding process. Furthermore, the incorporation of AI in grinding has enabled the process with simulation tools and self-optimising programs, which is minimising human interference significantly. The current chapter gives a brief introduction to recent advances in the grinding process.

About the journal
JournalAdditive and Subtractive Manufacturing Processes
PublisherCRC Press
Open AccessNo