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Human mannose receptor (CD206) in immune response: Novel insights into vaccination strategies using a humanized mouse model
S. Dasgupta, , S. Lacroix-Desmazes, S.V. Kaveri
Published in
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
Pages: 677 - 681
Induction of adaptive immune response requires, in most cases, internalization of the antigen by professional antigen-presenting cells. Various endocytic receptors may mediate such interaction. However, little is known regarding the exact participation of such receptors in the context of immune response in vivo. This paper evaluates a recent work that utilizes one such molecule, the human CD206, transgenically incorporated into mouse, in order to establish its role in immune response. Such a study benetits from the fact that the function of the human form of the receptor is elaborated and thus would help to define new targets for future vaccine strategies. © 2007 Future Drugs Ltd.
About the journal
JournalExpert Review of Clinical Immunology