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Introduction: The career of caste in public policy
, S. Pellissery, N. Jayaram
Published in Taylor and Francis
Pages: 1 - 22
This chapter introduces the theme of the volume, namely, the interface between the social institution of caste and public policy. After a brief statement on the changing avatar of caste, it explains three aspects of law and policy in relation to the dynamics of caste: the essentialisation of caste in colonial census, the engagement with caste in the constitution through the provision of protective discrimination, and the rise of the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) following the implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations. It discusses the key aspects of the role of caste in policy formulation in contemporary times as a backdrop to the theme of the volume. It concludes with a note on the organisation of the volume and introduction to the contributions included in it. © 2023 selection and editorial matter, Institute of Public Policy; individual chapters, the contributors.
About the journal
JournalCaste Matters in Public Policy: Issues and Perspectives
PublisherTaylor and Francis