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K -Band 4-Bit Phase Shifter Using Two Back to Back MEMS SP16T Switching Networks
S.K. Koul,
Published in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Volume: 27
Issue: 4
Pages: 643 - 655
This paper presents a K-band 4-bit phase shifter using micro-electromechanical system-based dc contact single-pole-sixteen-throw (SP16T) switching networks. The circuit is fabricated on 63-μm alumina substrate using surface micromachining process. Compact circular type SP16T switch is the primary functional building block of the 4-bit phase shifter. SP16T switch demonstrates an average insertion loss of ∼1.9 dB, isolation of better than 14 dB and average return loss of better than 14 dB in the 18-26-GHz band. Total area of the fabricated SP16T switch is only ∼2.5 mm2. Finally, two SP16T switches are cascaded with different delay lines to develop the complete 4-bit phase shifter. The 4-bit phase shifter demonstrates an average insertion loss of 3.47 dB in the 19.75-20.25-GHz band with a return loss of better than 14 dB and average phase error is less than ∼1.77 °at 20 GHz. Total area of the fabricated 4-bit phase shifter is ∼13.5 mm2. The reliability of the SPST and SP16T switches show more than 1 billion (B) cycles with an RF power of 0.1-1 W. Finally, device demonstrates >1 B cycles with cold switched and > ∼600 million cycles with hot switched conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported high reliable and more compact MEMS 4-bit phase shifter in the literature that has undergone extensive measurement stages with minimum number of switching elements per phase state. © 2018 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetJournal of Microelectromechanical Systems
PublisherData powered by TypesetInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.