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Modeling and analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shell
D.T. Sarathchandra, , N. Venkaiah
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Pages: 8587 - 8595
Functionally gradient materials (FGM) are special composites which are having potential applications in aerospace, automotive, marine, electronic, and medical etc. In FGMs, properties changes in direction by gradually varying composition of various elements for a specific requirement. Hence FGMs are used in most of the applications to improve the efficiency and performance. Applications of FGMs are widely explored in many applications however there are few fields yet to be explored. FGM made cylindrical shells are being used in structural applications. The stress distribution of FGM made cylindrical shell for given load conditions have to be analyzed. Hence in this work, modeling and structural analysis have been carried out on a graded cylindrical shell with varying elemental composition from inner surface to the outer surface. Distribution of volume fraction of the elements is calculated using power law for cylindrical shell modeling. Static structural analysis of cylindrical shell which is exposed to internal pressure performed and results are verified with analytical solutions. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
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