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Novel 24-Pulse Rectifier Topology based on Single 3-Phase to Four 3-Phase Transformation using Conventional Transformers for Phase Shifting
A 24-pulse rectifier has been designed for high voltage, low current applications. Four 3-phase systems are obtained from a single 3-phase source using novel interconnection of conventional single-and 3-phase transformers. From two 30º displaced 3-phase systems feeding two 6-pulse rectifiers that are series connected, a 12-pulse rectifier topology is obtained. Thus, from the four 3-phase systems that are displaced by 15º two 12-pulse rectifiers are obtained that are cascaded to realize a 24-pulse rectifier. Phase shifts of 15º and 30º are made using phasor addition of relevant line voltages with a combination of single-phase and three-phase transformers respectively. PSCAD based simulation and experimental results that confirm the design efficacy are presented.
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