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Parameterized algorithms for (r, l)-Partization
, N.S. Narayanaswamy
Published in Brown University
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Pages: 129 - 146
We consider the (r, l)-Partization problem of finding a set of at most k vertices whose deletion results in a graph that can be partitioned into r independent sets and l cliques. Restricted to perfect graphs and split graphs, we describe sequacious fixed-parameter tractability results for (r, 0)-Partization, parameterized by k and r. For (r, l)-Partization where r+l = 2, we describe an O*(2k) algorithm for perfect graphs. We then study the parameterized complexity hardness of a generalization of the Above Guarantee Vertex Cover by a reduction from (r, l)-Partization.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
PublisherBrown University
Open AccessNo