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Partially native intermediates mediate misfolding of SOD1 in single-molecule folding trajectories
, Z.N. Scholl, D.R. Dee, L. Rouleau, U. Anand, C. Garen, M.T. Woodside
Published in Nature Publishing Group
PMID: 29192167
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 1 - 11
Prion-like misfolding of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) is associated with the disease ALS, but the mechanism of misfolding remains unclear, partly because misfolding is difficult to observe directly. Here we study the most misfolding-prone form of SOD1, reduced un-metallated monomers, using optical tweezers to measure unfolding and refolding of single molecules. We find that the folding is more complex than suspected, resolving numerous previously undetected intermediate states consistent with the formation of individual β-strands in the native structure. We identify a stable core of the protein that unfolds last and refolds first, and directly observe several distinct misfolded states that branch off from the native folding pathways at specific points after the formation of the stable core. Partially folded intermediates thus play a crucial role mediating between native and non-native folding. These results suggest an explanation for SOD1's propensity for prion-like misfolding and point to possible targets for therapeutic intervention. © 2017 The Author(s).
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JournalNature Communications
PublisherNature Publishing Group
Open AccessNo