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Pixel Intensity Vector Field : An Inside Out Approach of Looking at Ultrasound Reflections from the Lung at High Frame Rates
Gayathri Malamal,
Published in IEEE
Pages: 2708 - 2711

Ultrasound (US) imaging is becoming the routine modality for the diagnosis and prognosis of lung pathologies. Lung US imaging relies on artifacts from acoustic impedance (Z) mismatches to distinguish and interpret the normal and pathological lung conditions. The air-pleura interface of the normal lung displays specularity due to the huge Z mismatches. However, in the presence of pathologies, the interface alters exhibiting a diffuse behavior due to increased density and reduced spatial distribution of air in the sub-pleural space. The specular or the diffuse behavior influences the reflected acoustic intensity distribution. This study aims to understand the reflection pattern in a normal and pathological lung through a novel approach of determining pixel-level acoustic intensity vector field (IVF) at high frame rates. Detailed lung modeling procedures using k-Wave US toolbox under normal, edematous, and consolidated conditions are illustrated. The analysis of the IVF maps on the three lung models clearly shows the drifting of the air-pleura interface from specular to diffuse with the severity of the pathology.Clinical Relevance— The presented acoustic simulation lung models are an aid to teaching and research by providing a quick visual and intuitive understanding of lung ultrasound physics. The proposed intensity vector field maps are supplementary information to aid diagnostics and characterization of any tissue composed of specular and diffuse components.

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JournalData powered by Typeset2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in {\ldots}
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