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Probing magnetism in 2D van der Waals crystalline insulators via electron tunneling
D.R. Klein, D. MacNeill, J.L. Lado, D. Soriano, E. Navarro-Moratalla, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, , P. Canfield, J. Fernández-RossierShow More
Published in American Association for the Advancement of Science
PMID: 29724904
Volume: 360
Issue: 6394
Pages: 1218 - 1222
Magnetic insulators are a key resource for next-generation spintronic and topological devices. The family of layered metal halides promises varied magnetic states, including ultrathin insulating multiferroics, spin liquids, and ferromagnets, but device-oriented characterization methods are needed to unlock their potential. Here, we report tunneling through the layered magnetic insulator CrI3 as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field.We electrically detect the magnetic ground state and interlayer coupling and observe a fieldinducedmetamagnetic transition.The metamagnetic transition results in magnetoresistances of 95, 300, and 550% for bilayer, trilayer, and tetralayer CrI3 barriers, respectively.We further measure inelastic tunneling spectra for our junctions, unveiling a rich spectrum consistent with collective magnetic excitations (magnons) in CrI3. © 2018 American Association for the Advancement of Science. All Rights Reserved.
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