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Resource and subcarriers allocation for OFDMA based wireless distributed computing system
T. Ramji, B. Ramkumar,
Published in IEEE Computer Society
Pages: 338 - 342
With the increasing deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) there has been a demand for power efficient, reliable, Wireless network based Distributed Computing system (WDC). The fading nature of the wireless channel offer several challenges to WDC over traditional distributed computing system. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based wireless communication systems offer several advantages and are increasingly replacing single carrier communication systems. In this paper we propose resource allocation for OFDMA based wireless distributed computing system. The performance of the proposed system is analyzed using computer simulation. © 2014 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetSouvenir of the 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, IACC 2014
PublisherData powered by TypesetIEEE Computer Society