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Ruthenium-catalyzed C-H oxygenation of quinones by weak O-coordination for potent trypanocidal agents
G.G. Dias, T. Rogge, , C. Jacob, R.F.S. Menna-Barreto, E.N. Da Silva Júnior, L. Ackermann
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry
PMID: 30374498
Volume: 54
Issue: 91
Pages: 12840 - 12843
Ruthenium-catalysis enabled the C-5 selective C-H oxygenation of naphthoquinones, and also sets the stage for the site-selective introduction of a hydroxyl group into anthraquinones. A-ring modified naphthoquinoidal compounds represent an important class of bioactive quinones for which the present study encompasses the first C-H oxygenation strategy by weak O-coordination. © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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PublisherData powered by TypesetRoyal Society of Chemistry