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Simplified parameter extraction method for single and back-to-back Schottky diodes fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrates
V. Mikhelashvili, , G. Eisenstein
Published in American Institute of Physics Inc.
Volume: 122
Issue: 3
We describe a technique to extract room temperature parameters of Schottky diodes based on single or double-terminal configurations whose barrier height is bias dependent. This method allows us to extract the zero bias barrier height without specific knowledge of interface states or the existence of insulator layers at the metal-semiconductor boundaries. This technique enables us to establish the type of thermionic emission mechanism, limited by a bias dependent image force potential and/or diffusion, taking into account interfacial states or layers. This technique makes use of experimental current-voltage (I-V) characteristics measured at both bias polarities and different intensities of illumination and the corresponding voltage-dependent differential slope-voltage characteristics α=dln(I)/dln(V). This method is verified experimentally on a conventional p-Silicon based Schottky diode and on metal-semiconductor and metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes fabricated on n-silicon-on-insulator substrates. Pd/Au Schottky electrodes were used, while the insulator stack of the metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes comprises an HfO2 layer on top of an SiO2 layer. © 2017 Author(s).
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetJournal of Applied Physics
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
Open AccessNo