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vid-SAMGRAH: A PyTorch framework for multi-latent space reinforcement learning driven video summarization in ultrasound imaging
Roshan Mathews P., , Abhilash Hareendranathan R.
Published in Elsevier B.V.
Volume: 10
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for automatic triaging and summarization of ultrasound videos for fast access to pathologically relevant information in the Emergency Department and lowering resource requirements for telemedicine. In this work, a PyTorch based unsupervised reinforcement learning methodology which incorporates multi feature fusion to output classification labels, segmentation maps and summary videos for lung ultrasound is presented. The use of unsupervised training eliminates tedious manual labeling of key-frames by clinicians opening new frontiers in scalability in training using unlabeled or weakly labeled data. Our approach was benchmarked against expert clinicians from different geographies displaying superior Precision and F1 scores (over 80% and 44%).
About the journal
JournalSoftware Impacts
PublisherElsevier B.V.
Open AccessNo