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Optically sensitive devices based on Pt nano particles fabricated by atomic layer deposition and embedded in a dielectric stack
V. Mikhelashvili, , B. Meyler, S. Yofis, G. Atiya, Z. Cohen-Hyams, S. Weindling, G. Ankonina, J. Salzman, W.D. KaplanShow More
Published in American Institute of Physics Inc.
Volume: 118
Issue: 13
We report a series of metal insulator semiconductor devices with embedded Pt nano particles (NPs) fabricated using a low temperature atomic layer deposition process. Optically sensitive nonvolatile memory cells as well as optical sensors: (i) varactors, whose capacitance-voltage characteristics, nonlinearity, and peak capacitance are strongly dependent on illumination intensity; (ii) highly linear photo detectors whose responsivity is enhanced due to the Pt NPs. Both single devices and back to back pairs of diodes were used. The different configurations enable a variety of functionalities with many potential applications in biomedical sensing, environmental surveying, simple imagers for consumer electronics and military uses. The simplicity and planar configuration of the proposed devices makes them suitable for standard CMOS fabrication technology. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetJournal of Applied Physics
PublisherData powered by TypesetAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
Open AccessNo