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Variations on the Grothendieck-Serre formula for Hilbert functions and their applications
S.K. Masuti, , J.K. Verma
Published in Springer New York LLC
Volume: 174
Pages: 123 - 158
In this expository paper, we present proofs of Grothendieck-Serre formula for multi-graded algebras and Rees algebras for admissible multi-graded filtrations. As applications, we derive formulas of Sally for postulation number of admissible filtrations and Hilbert coefficients. We also discuss a partial solution of Itoh’s conjecture by Kummini and Masuti. We present an alternate proof of Huneke-Ooishi Theorem and a generalisation for multi-graded filtrations. © Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016.
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JournalData powered by TypesetSpringer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
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